Corinth Civil War 150th

Quotes, Letter & Diaries

In Their Own Words...


"Richmond and Corinth are now the great strategical points of the war, and our success at these points should be insured at all hazards." Federal
General Henry W. Halleck, May 25, 1862

"...hundreds of wounded soldiers who fill almost every house - public and private - in Corinth. Truly is a noble deed & most worthy of imitation. We
have but few of the citizens of Corinth - two ladies - who have acted thus nobly, tho many have given up their houses, while other have been taken possession of by orders of the Generals'." Horatio Letters to Josie, April 12, 1862

"The battle was continued. Early in the morning the enemy threw shells and cannon balls in the town of Corinth, and it looked as if they would ruin
and take the town, but our heavy guns soon silenced theirs. Afterward the enemy tired strong bayonet and musketry attacks on our forces, but each
time they were repulsed with heavy losses, and finally, on October 4, at about 11:30, they retreated and were put to flight, with our troops following.
Our regiment pursued them only as far as the hospital of the secessionists, where we captured the wounded and enlisted ones and held them under
guard, until they were brought to Corinth. But, Oh, how many gave up the ghost and were sunk in the ground, wrapped in a blanket, before
they were mustered. It is terrible to be compelled to stand by and see, how much the poor mutilated fellows have to suffer!" Stephen Werly Diary,
October 4, 1862

"...his storming of the redoubt was the most desperate and murderous charge that has been made during the war, this is shown by the rebel
graves that cover the space before the fort. Gen. Rogers is buried within 10 steps of the ditch, and his men lie in long trenches close by." Thomas
Carlisle Letter, October 18, 1862

Diaries and Reports

Accounts of Skirmish at Farmington and Union Army Moving into Corinth, May 1862

Adjutant General's Report

Armstrong, Robert - Diary

Bargus, George - Diary

Barnes, J.W. - Order

Execution of Alex Johnson, 1st Alabama Cavalry, U. S. Greenville Dodge Collection - Iowa State Historical Library.

Bowden, Baily O.

Morrow, Maud - Diary in Corinth

Nelson, Joseph Kibler - Winter 1863-1864 Recollections

Nelson, Joseph Kibler - Recruiting Colored Infantry

Garrett Schreurs, Schreurs Family Material, Iowa State Historical Library.

Schreurs, Garrett W. - Diary

Opposing Forces of the Battle of Corinth

Sherwood, Frederick - Journal

Strickling, Joseph Mitchell - Diary

Strickling, Joseph Mitchell - Diary 2


John Eaton, Superintendent of Contrabands for the Mississippi Valley, form Eaton, John, Grant Lincoln and the Freedmen: Reminiscences
of the Civil War with Special Refrences to the Work for the Contrabands and Freedmen of the Mississippi Valley.
(Longmans, Green & Co., New York, 1907).


Bowen, W.A. - Camp Near Holly Springs

Bowen, W.A. - Transcription of Letter

Browne, I.M.

Culbertson, Washington Lafayette

Cummings, H.J.B. - Papers

Doak, John Whitfield Newton

Dobson, George

Dodge and his officers. Greenville Dodge Collection - Iowa State Historical Library. Photo made in Corinth. Seated L-R, Capt. George E. Spencer,
Surgeon W. R. Marsh, Lt. Col. R. S. Barnhill, Major General Greenville Dodge. Standing L-R, Capt. J. W. Barnes, A. D. C., Lt. O.H. Dodds,
Chief Quartermaster, Capt. C. C. Carpenter, Com. Of Subsistence, Lt. J. K. Wing, Ass't Q.M., Lt. J. H. Hogan, Ass't Ordinance Officer,
Major Howard, Judge Advocate, Capt. Henry Horn, Ass't Provost Marshall, Capt. B. P. Chenowith, Inspector General, Lt. L. M. Bailey, A. D. C.

Major General Greenville Dodge, Greenville Dodge Collection - Iowa State Historical Library.

Dodge, G.M. - Special Orders, Grenville Dodge, 1863-1864

Dodge, G.M. - Papers

Harrston, D.W.

Houston, D.W. - Aug. 1863

Hubbard, L.F.

Hubbard, L.F.

Hunt, John R.

Inge, Augusta Evans

Kennett, N.J.

Kennett, N.J.

2nd Lieutenant Jay Ward Redfield, Company I, 39th Iowa Infantry, from
Jay Ward Redfield Papers, Iowa State Historical Library.

Labuzan, Charles C.

Lathrop, W.

Lowrance, John H.

Oglesby, B.J.

Oglesby, R.J.

Major General Greenville Dodge, Greenville Dodge Collection - Iowa State Historical Library.

Pollock, David Wilson

Pollock, David W

Pray, John

Rankin, Thomas Jesse

Redfield, James

Major General Greenville Dodge, 1864, from Smith, Charles H., The History of Fuller's Ohio Brigade, 1861-1865, It's Great March,
with Portraits, Battle Maps and Biographies. (A. J. Watt, Cleveland, Ohio, 1909) p. 130.

Roddy, Philip D.

Sparks, Oliver

Weaver, J.B.and Clara Weaver

Civil War Nurses

Angles of the Battlefield

Kate Cumming, a native of Edinburgh, Scotland, was living in Mobile, Alabama, at the outbreak of the Civil War. Despite opposition from family
members, she became a nurse for the Confederate cause. In April 1862, she boarded the train that carried her into action. Cumming arrived in
Corinth just after the Battle of Shiloh and quickly assumed the duties of a nurse. Most of these activities centered around the Tishomingo Hotel.
In her diary, she described bathing wounds, delivering water, and a host of other duties. The mutilation and deaths of soldiers often saddened her,
but Kate persevered. She remained in Corinth until the threat of Federal occupation pushed her southward. She later served the Confederacy in
Okolona, Mississippi and Chattanooga, Tennessee.

Ella King Newsome, known as the Florence Nightingale of the South, was a native Mississippian and is considered a pioneer in Civil War nursing.
The widow of Dr. Frank Newsome at the outbreak of the Civil War, Ella King, living in Arkansas, resolved to devote her energy and wealth to the
field her husband loved - medicine. To do her part in the War effort, Ella took servants and supplies to Memphis, Tennessee, where she worked in
the City Hospital with camp soldiers. Later, she went to Bowling Green, Kentucky; Nashville, Tennessee; and Winchester, Tennessee. It was from Winchester that she was summoned to Corinth. She served at the Corinth House Hotel Hospital. Kate Cumming, in Corinth at the same time as
Ella, deeply admired her work.

Mary Ann "Mother" Bickerdyke was born in Knox County, Ohio, in 1817. By the outbreak of the Civil War, Mary Ann was Mrs. Bickerdyke, a
widowed mother of two young sons, living in Galesburg, Illinois. When her church sent supplies to Cairo, Illinois, for Federal soldiers, she went
along and was subsequently devoted to the Cause. After the Battle of Shiloh, Bickerdyke was put in charge of the field hospital at Farmington,
Mississippi, and once the Federal Army secured Corinth, she took responsibility over Corona College Hospital. Mother Bickerdyke quickly became
a favorite among the soldiers, for she saw that their needs were met, whether it be a cold drink of water or clean dressings. Bickerdyke also gained
the respect of many Northern Generals, including Grant and Sherman. When one lower ranking officer began to complain about
"that woman Bickerdyke"to Sherman, the General heartily replied, "Only God outranks her."

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